If you are publisher and would like to request a review, please contact me with the books blurb. All requested books should be provided by publisher/author, book format preferred is Epub/Mobi (If you wanna send a print book, totally up to you).
- If we do accept your book, a review is not guaranteed.
Also, your books are safe with me and will not be given or sold to anyone.
This is predominantly a M/M erotica review site, but I am willing to accept all books that fall under the rainbow. LGBTTQ, is one community, and Pants Off is willing to read all the books in the genre. If you have a book and want me to review it, doesn't hurt to try sending it to me. Chances are, I am willing to read it.
*Authors if you would like to hold a giveaway, be interviewed or guest post just contact me at pantsoffreviews@live.ca*
SideNote- With the high amount of submissions I receive, I am sorry to say that some books might not be picked up for review. I do apologize for this, but I am only one person and as much as I would like to read everything, I cannot!
FTC Disclosure: The books reviewed are provided by the author/publisher and no money is given for a review. In most cases a book was bought by myself and reviewed for my own enjoyment. In no way does a review request influence my rating for a book, all the opinions are mine whether good or bad.
Pants Off Reviews