I started reading yaoi over three years ago, after the birth of my second son. I was home, he was sleeping a lot and my oldest was spending lots of time with his grandparents. I read the Twilight books at lightning speed, devoured the House of Night series (don’t freaking ask) and I just wanted something new. I have told this story before, but I will share it again.
I wanted to read M/M after reading about the of the chain chemistry between Vishous/Butch from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I wanted it bad! I got a few recs from some online friends, and I did a little search around by myself. Someone had mentioned Jet Mykles, and so I visited her website and she mentioned Yaoi. Googled that sucker and it was as if heaven opened up and let me in it’s arms of insanely awesmazing boy love. I could not believe I was blinded for so many years T_T I totally made up for it, by devouring and making my eyes happy. Yaoi was the shit and I was 100% addicted.
I found some good sites like Aarin Fantasy, and Mangafox, which provided me with all my yaoi needs. I spent a year reading as much as I could, and with no exaggeration I must have read close to a 1000 yaoi mangas *I freaking killed it*. So now, I had M/M and Yaoi together they created an addict and left me broke ass. I have never been happier.
So I wanna push my love of yaoi unto POR readers, yes suckers I said push. I am pusher, an enabler, unleashing the peer pressure. I am no expert, but I do have some favourites that have stuck with me, and I go back to re-read them again and again. If you haven’t read any yaoi before, then starting online would be your best bet that way you can’t lose. And if you love it, then…
My Recs!!!
Junjo Romantic by Nakamura Shungiku
One of my all time fave yaoi series. It's funny, sexy, and I just really want to be Misaki. If you aren't a fan of a 17 year old having sex with an older man then you shloud run from this one. There is dub-consent/non-consent, but it's a story that really evolves and in no time Misaki is 22 and him and Usagi have been together for years. Throw in family drama and jealousy, and you have the makings of a fun wild story. This was made into an anime series, which I also recommend. Just lots of fun.
Status: I believe the publisher for this series was shut down, so I don't think it's available for purchase. Do not worry you can read the series here. I have purchased up to Vol.12 and I am still broke.
Haru Wo Daiteita/Embracing Love by Youka Nitta
This one follows Iwaki and Kato in their over the top but very awesome love story. Both being famous actors and openly gay kind of speak true of the times right now. There were some skeptics, but people have embraced their love, and the series tells of their journey. Lots of ups and downs, but what makes this one stand out is the pure "balls to the walls" theme. Very explicit sex scenes that happen often, but they are so hot its porn art. Youka Nitta is an awesome artist, and I just love these guys so much.
Status: Another series unavailable for order, and very difficult to find online but you wouldn't be disappointed if you spent the time looking. I want to own these mangas so bad and will wait until they are available for re-release.
Update: Embracing Love will be available for purchase come August thanks to Sublime Manga. Are you freaking dead yet? cus I totally am. I am so freaking excited for this the world can't contain me.
Update: Embracing Love will be available for purchase come August thanks to Sublime Manga. Are you freaking dead yet? cus I totally am. I am so freaking excited for this the world can't contain me.
Love Mode by Yuki Shimizu
Love Mode is old school but it's freaking awesome! Another one with young characters falling for an older man. It has a bit of everything, the unbelievable mixed with the "that could totally happen" and it's also very sweet. There's a lot of characters in this one but 4 main characters that you will come to know and love. All this revolving around an escort agency, it is all just made of awesome. I really just want to go read this one again.
Status: Yep, you guessed it unavailable for purchase. The good one are just out of order. Don't fret my pets you can read it online It is totally worth your time, and it's just so much fun.
The Prime Minister's Secret Diplomacy by Youka Nitta
Yep, Ms Nitta has made the list again, because she is made of awesome. I love the hell out of this manga and have been waiting for an update like a crack whore. This one is filled with twists and turns, and deep family betrayal, because one of the men is married to the other's sister O_O "oh yes" it's like that. Though you can say that Shiraishi had him first, he is still a very bad brother. It is both sexy and dangerous and you are on the edge trying to figure out how it's all gonna go down.
Status: Good news, you can buy this one and I did. It's frustrating because I want more but I don't know where to find it 'HELP'. Purchase at a most awesmazing price.
Love Pistols/Sex Pistols by Taroko Kotobuki
I love this for only one reason, MPREG. Yes, folks the men get pregnant and I love it, love it, love it. There is a whole lot of story in this series and a whole lot of characters, so you have to be paying serious attention. It's fun and wildly original and I just love the crap out of it.
Status: Can be purchased but in digital form only for now, and is published by recent yaoi press SuBLime Manga. Purchase
Tea for Two by Yaya Sakuragi
Another all time fave, this one featuring a love between two high-school aged boys. Both are as different as night and day. The distinguished Hasune from a wealthy well known tea house family. The brash Tokumaru, whose clumsy and a big oaf but he steals the heart of Hasune instantly. It's really beautiful to see their relationship progress and you will root for them until the end. So Sweet!!
Status: Unavailable for purchase but you can read it online, so it's still a win.
Groupie by Youka Nitta
This story is a testament to variety that can be found in yaoi. This one has siblings together but it's not exactly a healthy relationship. It deals with what can happen when three people enter into a relationship blind. Feelings get hurt, and I was deeply heartbroken at the end of it. There is also gender pushing, one character dresses like a woman but doesn't want to be a woman. Another winner by the ever fab Ms Nitta, who always bring the pretty and a solid story.
Status: Can be read online.
I believe there is yaoi manga for everyone the hard part is getting through them all. I have read some crappy, others that were ok, and others that are just made of pure awesome. This list is just a tip of the iceberg for my faves, so I will be updating as time goes by. Been thinking about reading yaoi? Check out the websites and find something that is to your taste, it’s the most fun way to pass the time.
Warning: All of the above have been rated NSFW
U Don't Know Me by RAKUN
Awesome, fantastic, and sexy as hell are just a few of the words to describe this manga. It is one of my all time faves and I constantly find myself going to have a peek at it. Another one featuring high-school aged boys on their way to university. Get ready for Seyun, he is so super pretty and wears clothes to tease, There is a bit about family, and it just wraps up in a beautiful story about best-friends finally admitting to their love.
Status: You can read it online but can be found for purchase.
Complex by Manda Ringo
First of all, don't let the cover fool you. I avoided this one like the plague because of the cover and it was a mistake. This might be the best manga I have ever read! I literally broke down in tears at the end of this one it was just so insanely good.
The book shows the life of two friends from age five until their old (up to 80 or so). Each chapter titled after their age, we experience all their ups and downs and man there are downs. It still does have that craziness of most yaoi but also with a realistic feel. Nothing is ever easy for the boys, and they have to fight for each other in the end. It really is quite breathtaking and the best yaoi I have ever read. I Kid You Not!!
Status: Incredibly hard to find but it would be worth the search.
Complex by Manda Ringo
First of all, don't let the cover fool you. I avoided this one like the plague because of the cover and it was a mistake. This might be the best manga I have ever read! I literally broke down in tears at the end of this one it was just so insanely good.
The book shows the life of two friends from age five until their old (up to 80 or so). Each chapter titled after their age, we experience all their ups and downs and man there are downs. It still does have that craziness of most yaoi but also with a realistic feel. Nothing is ever easy for the boys, and they have to fight for each other in the end. It really is quite breathtaking and the best yaoi I have ever read. I Kid You Not!!
Status: Incredibly hard to find but it would be worth the search.
I believe there is yaoi manga for everyone the hard part is getting through them all. I have read some crappy, others that were ok, and others that are just made of pure awesome. This list is just a tip of the iceberg for my faves, so I will be updating as time goes by. Been thinking about reading yaoi? Check out the websites and find something that is to your taste, it’s the most fun way to pass the time.
Warning: All of the above have been rated NSFW

Wow, I've actually read some of these. Junjo Romantica was one of the first ones I read and I watched all the TV show I could fine on-line. I have seen it still available in comic book shops here, but I'm not sure how high they go up to.
ReplyDeleteI thought I read Love Mode because it looks familiar, but if I did, I didn't record it on GR, which is possible. But looking at it I'm sure I did.
I also read U Don't Know Me.
My all-time favourite and one of my first ones was Saihoshi by Kosen, who are Spanish, not Japanese, but I love the art. I even bought an art book of theirs.
The Crimson Spell books by Ayano Yamane are great as well. I love her style and have read some others by here that I enjoyed. Love A La Carte, Love Knot and Shy Intentions were some of my higher rated yaoi. I tend to read them when i travel and I have four or five to read on the way to the UK tomorrow, then I'll pass them off to Jen. :-)
Book Depository is good for buying books because they are usually reasonably prices and have free world-wide shipping, but they just don't have a huge selection. I really hate spending $15 for a book that takes me 45 min. to read. It hurts, although sharing helps. I kind of have to be in the mood for it.
I have been meaning to look into Book Deposiitory but they have the same stuff that Chapters do so I always just go with chapters. I have Ayano's Finder series but I have only read Vol.1 so I don't know if I love it yet.
ReplyDeleteI still have a bunch to add to this list, and I still have a bunch to read. It's weird that all my faves would be slightly frowned upon cus all the characters are bit under age and the seme a lot older lol.
"...all the characters are bit under age and the seme a lot older lol."
ReplyDeleteUmm, are there yaoi where at least one of the characters ISN'T about 14? LOL Seems to be par for the course and often with the older guy. It's a thing. :-)
Just compare BD for price. They are also super fast on the shipping front. But if it's only a buck or two, then probably not much point.
lots of good titles, but I'd add The Tyrant Falls in Love, Zero and Border :-)
ReplyDeleteThats for part 2 :D and I freaking love Border!!